Committed to provide self-reliant workforce for sustainable development of society
समाजाच्या शाश्वत विकासासाठी स्वावलंबी कार्यबल प्रदान करण्यासाठी वचनबद्ध
M1: To provide technical education through cutting edge technology
अत्याधुनिक तंत्रज्ञानाद्वारे तांत्रिक शिक्षण देणे
M2: To make students professional, ethical and environmental friendly
विद्यार्थ्यांना व्यावसायिक, नैतिक आणि पर्यावरणपूरक बनवणे
M3: To bridge the gap between industry and technical education
उद्योग आणि तंत्रशिक्षण यातील दरी कमी करणे
M4: To develop students self-employable and industry oriented
विद्यार्थ्यांना स्वयंरोजगार आणि उद्योगाभिमुख विकसित करणे
Program Educational Objectives(PEO)
PEO.1. To fulfil the requirements of technological changes in Automobile Industry.
PEO.2. To work effectively in multidisciplinary tasks as a team leader or individual.
PEO.3. To inculcate interpersonal skills, ethical approach,entrepreneurial skills and adapting tochanging environment of society.
PEO.4. To acquire hands on skills to diagnose the Automobile systems.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSO)
PSO1: Apply knowledge of basic science and use state-of-the art automotive technologies in the field of automobile maintenance.
PSO2: Use Project Management Techniques and relevant machinery, materials, equipment and processes to Automobile component Manufacturing
Program Outcomes (POs)
PO1: Basic and Discipline specific knowledge:Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the engineering problems.
PO2: Problem analysis:Identify and analyse well-defined engineering problems using codified standard methods.
PO3: Design/ development of solutions:Design solutions for well-defined technical problems and assist with the design of systems components or processes to meet specified needs.
PO4: Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing:Apply modern engineering tools and appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements.
PO5: Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment:Apply appropriate technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and ethical practices.
PO6: Project Management:Use engineering management principles individually, as a team member or a leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about well-defined engineering activities.
PO7: Life-long learning:Ability to analyse individual needs and engage in updating in the context of technological changes.
Name Of Course |
Diploma in Automobile Engineering |
No.of Faculties |
06 |
Total No.of Labs |
06 |
Staff Profile:-
Sr.No. | Photos | Name of Staff | Designation | Date of Joining | Nature of Association | Qualification | Experience(Years) |
1 |
Mr.Jain A.A. |
1/7/2016 | Regular |
BE Mech,ME(Heat Power)Pursuing |
10Yrs |
2 |
.Mr.Kharchane S.V. |
Lecturer |
1/4/2022 | Regular |
BE Mechanical,ME Design Engg(Pursuing) |
5 Yrs |
3 |
Mrs.Nemade K.R. |
Lecturer |
7/7/2009 | Regular |
15 years |
4 | ![]() |
Mrs.Shikalgar S.S. | Lecturer | 26/8/2023 | Regular |
BE MECHANICAL, MTech (Polymer Science & Tech.) |
3 Years |
5 | ![]() |
Mrs.Bansode M.S. | Lecturer | 21/8/2024 | Regular | ME Design | 3 Years |
6 | ![]() |
Mrs.Wankhade S.D. | Lecturer | 11/9/2024 | Regular | BE.Mech | 2 Years |
Staff Group Photo